The Emotional Toll of Adult Acne

The Emotional Toll of Adult Acne

Throughout the entire year, Sative promotes acne awareness. So here is what I want to say to those experiencing any skin condition: I am so proud of you for existing in a world that looks at you like you are something to fix. And in a world with so many different opinions on how to care for your skin.


Having to deal with your appearance, thoughts, and possibly other people's opinions is not easy. I may not know your individual experiences other than the parts you choose to share with us, but I have a great love for you all.


If no one told you this today — I am proud of who you are at this moment. Please do not lose sight of the fact that you have taken so many steps to get here, right now, as you are. You have overcome so much. You have healed so much. Be proud of who you are at this moment.


We launched the My Healthy Skin campaign a few months ago. This campaign aims to boost confidence in people with acne. Posting a makeup-free selfie (or a filter-free selfie) should not be a radical act, but it certainly feels that way. For too long, we have been sold the idea that we need 'perfect' skin to be beautiful or worthy of love. 


There is no shame in having acne, eczema, psoriasis, or any other skin condition. You are worthy and deserving of love and respect — no matter what your skin looks like. We are here to help you get the skin you want, nurture self-confidence and celebrate healthy skin. The more we can talk about struggles, the more people we can help.


For so long, we have treated acne as a personal failure. What the actual hell is that? Acne should never make you feel unworthy in any way, shape, or form. 


Everyone has something they struggle with. But because acne commonly appears on your face, the part of yourself that everyone sees, it has even more impact. 


Acne can affect more than just your skin — it can impact your entire life. Acne can make you feel depressed, angry, anxious, and overwhelmed. (It does not matter if your acne is mild or more severe. Your feelings are valid.


Acne often causes people to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about their skin. The myths regarding why acne forms might even lead you to feel a sense of guilt or shame as if you are somehow responsible for your acne (don't worry, you're not). These feelings can be so strong that they prevent people with acne from doing things they want to do. Doing activities that come easy to others, like going out on dates or accepting that project at work, can feel like daunting partaking.


You may also receive unsolicited skincare advice every time you step outside. (Have you tried just using Dove soap? That is what I use.) That is the advice you get from people who never struggled with acne. You know how frustrating it is when people who do not have acne try to suggest cures that are just skincare basics, like moisturising or washing your face. Like really!


It can be easy to feel like acne has taken over your world, but you can still live a confident, happy life if you have acne. Whenever you feel insecure about your skin, think of everything that makes you happy. If others give you a hard time, stand up for yourself. You can and should treat your acne using effective methods, but do not let your acne rule your life. Acne should not be the most focused thing in your life. 


I know it is easier said than done.


The first step would be to recognise the negative thoughts and address them. You might think your skin looks awful, but you can also choose to be kind. What do you say to a friend who spoke about herself like that? Now say those things back to yourself. It takes practice, like any new habit, but it helps to reframe yourself as a worthy human being outside of your skin. 


Let us decide, together right now, that we will no longer allow our acne to become the most focused part of ourselves. Your appearance should not define your self-worth. Remember what makes you a unique, interesting individual. Acne cannot take those qualities away from you.


I know everyone wants to achieve healthy and glowing skin, but what is healthy skin anyway? Does it mean having brighter skin or having flawless skin? 


Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Like any other organ, its health starts from within with steady collagen production and a regular cell turnover rate. Healthy skin should feel comfortable and hydrated. It is not about being poreless and flawless. It is about having skin that works the way it was designed to.


We believe in effective and not aggressive skincare. You do not need to strip and dry out the skin to treat acne — you need to nourish the skin and heal the skin barrier. Sative beauty products are so much about barrier support rather than stripping everything away.


Join our campaign and help us strengthen the conversation around acne.



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