Sative magazine

Healthy skin vs Perfect skin

Healthy skin vs Perfect skin. Is it one and the same thing? One of our most frequently asked questions is, "How long does it take for my skin to be perfect?" This question mostly comes from someone who is looking for a quick fix. Someone who has a pattern of using aggressive skincare products. 


It has gotten to the point where I will be doing you a disservice if I do not correct this terminology. Healthy skin does not equal perfect skin. 

I reiterate: Healthy skin does not equal flawless skin. 


Healthy skin cannot be rushed.


Health is an ongoing journey to bettering yourself for the sake of feeling good while having love, acceptance and appreciation for yourself. Perfect is being without fault or defect. As an adjective, perfection describes something that exists only as an idea.


 Perfection is not attainable and generally comes from a place of low self-worth, self-loathing or simple delusion that you have to fit a mould.


Healthy skin should be your goal. Perfect skin is an illusion. I do not think we should blame the media or magazines or image retouchers or camera apps/filters for perpetuating perfection. Brands should take the blame. Brands need to take a handle on how they influence consumers. 


As a brand, we have vowed not to have our photos retouched or polished to create a façade. We show before and after images to demonstrate that you can attain healthy skin if you stay consistent. Real people. Real results. Real skin.


The best way to treat any skin concern is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. A good skin regimen, diet, exercise, and hydration are all required for good skin health. 


What is perfect skin anyway? Smooth skin? Unlined skin? No visible pores? Dry skin? Oily skin? Mature skin? Young skin? Glass skin? It is none of these. Healthy skin is what everyone should be striving for... skin which glows and radiates health.


We have a long way to go, but I feel it is the responsibility of brand owners to help show more realistic imagery. And also resist marketing to people's fears.


Our goal and passion as a brand are to promote and encourage people to aim for healthy skin.


We do not offer quick fixes to skin issues, but we guarantee healthy skin. Our products do what they promise. You do your part by staying consistent with your skin care regimen and practising healthy habits.


We're on a journey, and a commitment has been made to help dispel the myth of perfect skin.


Will you help us spread the word? Healthy skin is in.


#MyHealthySkin #SativeBeauty

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